March 30, 2020, Monday
It's only been two weeks since the six-county San Francisco area was ordered to shelter in place. Two days later, the California governor extended the order to cover the entire state. Since then many jurisdictions have followed this example. But some have not.
Our county, Santa Clara, is now publishing daily statistics broken down into various categories. A few days ago it looked like the number of new cases was declining noticably. Today it spiked with 200 new cases, by far the highest number yet. This may reflect more testing. The number of deaths rose from 25 to 28, not the highest number of deaths per day. Long term, this may be a more accurate indication of the spread of the virus and how well isolation is working.
Other stats include nearly equal numbers of confirmed cases for men compared to women. But the death statistics are very uneven with men accounting for 75% of deaths, while women account for only 25% of deaths.
We don't know of anyone personally who has contracted the virus. Our church congregation is apparently well. Of course we don't know if any of our acquaintances are infected but asymptomatic. So we're remaining in the house. I go out only for groceries. Don sometimes goes to school to pick up some books or papers. But no one else is there. We're not feeling as isolated as many people are since we're used to working at home.
For the first week of isolation, I carried on as usual. But during the second week I hit a period where I felt aimless and more or less drifted through several days. Now I'm back to feeling more energetic and focussed. It helps to make lists. It helps to log on to the internet less frequently. But there's still a long way to go.
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